Friday, October 10, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Sexual Dysfunction Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Before reading any article, you might want to read the Ezine article written by Chic Ngo, showing you how to obtain all information which you want to collect.
How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo

5 Proven Cures For Female Sexual Arousal Disorder "That Actually Work"
By Nicky Williams

For starters, I just want to clear up that this is not one of those slick attempts to sell you a bunch of junk you don't need. I am a husband and a proud father of two beautiful children. And I just wanted to share my experience and success to anyone willing to listen. Nine years ago I lucked out and married the most perfect women in the world, my wife, which I will call "Kathy". We wasted no time and immediately started having children. With both of us working two jobs trying to pay down a mortgage and taking children back and forth from school and extracurricular activates the physical aspect of our love life had to take a back seat.

About 7 years later with both children old enough to take the school bus on their own and half of the mortgage paid off there was no longer a need to work two jobs and we finally had the extra time and energy for other "activities". I was always ready to go. But for some reason she was rarely in the mood. We were having sex an average of once a month which is bad, considering that while we were dating and early in the marriage we engaged no less than 6 days a week and sometimes all night.

I love my wife Kathy very much so I gently had a heart to heart with her to reassure her that this wasn't her fault and that it was our problem to face together not just hers. To make sure that the problem wasn't mental we went to our gynecologist; she ran some tests did some blood work and her diagnosis was Sexual Arousal Disorder, she recommended alterations to Kathy's diet, some exercise, and noted that if that failed she would try putting here on medication. On a later date we also paid a visit to our family nutritionist for information on natural alternatives.

In short, the story has a happy ending because we did end up getting threw this thanks to our gynecologist and some tips from our nutritionist. So with out further a due here are the "5 Proven Cures For Female Sexual Arousal Disorder", I'll admit some did work better than others but you should still find this list useful.

5- Mental Stimulation - In our particular situation the problem was not mental. But If your doctor can find no evidence of any physical problems, and you have an open relationship, you could try roll playing, buying her some romance novels, or just taking her on vacation (just incase the problem is stress related). If things have been a bit rocky lately then there is no shame in marriage consoling. You'll both feel better afterwards.

4-Diet and Exercise- Your over all physical health greatly affects your sexual desire and arousal. Whipping her into shape is the guaranteed way to increase libido levels. Although me and my wife saw some progress in just 2 months, the bad news is that it takes anywhere from 1 year to a year and a half to see dramatic results. Sorry but it is unrealistic to think that you can undo years of being out of shape in a few short weeks like they say on TV. Develop a 4 day a week cardio based workout regimen, Drink ½ gallon of water a day, and ad one or all of the following foods to your daily food intake:

Deep sea and cold water fish, including halibut, salmon, sardines, and shellfish can increase libido by improving overall sexual health with their high concentrations of essential omega fatty acids

And season all foods with at least one of the following seasonings:
garlic, onion, scallion, leek, chives, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cardamom, anise, turmeric, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and horseradish.

3-Medication- I reluctantly recommend this due to the fact that the side affects include - High blood pressure that could lead "stroke". Try this as a last resort threw the supervision of your doctor. You can google it if you need more info:

Bremelanotide (formerly PT-141) is a compound developed for use in treating sexual dysfunction in both men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) and women (sexual arousal disorder). Unlike Viagra and other related medications, it does not act upon the vascular system, but directly increases sexual desire via the nervous system.

2-Lubricants- This kind of worked in the way that the added lubrication made it less necessary for her body lubricate itself as much naturally as it would with out added lubrication. It made intercourse easier more often but did little if anything to increase her libido levels. If you'd like to give it a try a "Kiwi Vine" or a "Botanical Extract" gel would be the natural and safest way to go.

1-Herbal Supplements- (The Inexpensive Quick Fix) We all have priorities, and some of us like Kathy and I are just too busy with work and the kids and just can't spare the time to reorganize our diet or go to the gym. Don't get me wrong, I'm an active person and I took this as an opportunity to whip my wife into shape and at the same time also spend some quality time together.

After about two months we started seeing some improvement. We were very excited. But shortly afterwards she got a promotion at her job at the local bank, which was great news but it marked the end of our workout routines together because it included extended hours added to her schedule. So going "herbal" was the most logical step do to the side affects of the earlier noted medication. Two weeks later week we ordered an herbal product recommended by our nutritionist. And surprise surprise in one week we saw the same sexual results as the two months of diet and exercise. And by the end of the month we were at it 4 days a week. Not quite the same as the night after night all-nighters we were pulling 8 years ago but a dramatic improvement over the once a month resection we had been going threw.

I still recommend diet and exercise because in the long run it will improve your over all health and vitality. But, given the circumstances, and the fact that there are no side affects, this would be the next best thing. I hate to admit it but it worked.

If you'd like to go "herbal" make sure what ever product you buy has one or more of the you following ingredients, and I know what I said earlier about not pushing any products but I added a link at the bottom of this article to the site where I purchased mine, just in case you have a hard time finding one and it also might take you a while to search all the ingredients one by one:

Epimedium - A sexual stimulant for women. Warming and invigorating the core energy of the body

Niacin - involved in energy production.

DamianaLeaf - Medicinal uses include treating sterility, impotence, and sexual imbalances.

Bayberry fruit - a potent herb that assists with body circulation, uterine and vaginal health.

Ginkgo Biloba - Supports healthy circulation and blood flow to the clitoris (more know for increasing memory)

Thanks for Listening.

Nicky Williams